
​by Premo

​Premo is a poet of touch:

never before have I met such an intuitive healer and never do I feel more cared for than when I am in her presence. Not only does she bring the physical body back from ache and fatigue, she reawakens the spirit at the deepest level.  

Each time I visit Premo I experience her gifted artistry and incredibly mindful touch as never before. I once again remember I am a whole, sentient being deserving of compassion.  

Those who are fortunate enough to come into Premo's care remain loyal for good reason. 
I offered to provide a close colleague in need of self-care with Premo's contact information, 
but my friend declined the referral stating she was already very devoted to the person she is seeing. Half a year, and then again a year later, I offered to give her the name of my practitioner and as it turned out we were both referring to Premo, having been devoted clients of hers for several years!

I love sending people to Premo because I know their whole being will be held, cared for and revitalized. I feel so grateful that she discovered her art form as her mindful and intuitive touch have helped me to connect to myself and heal at the most profound level.​

​Eva T.

Over my many decades, and through various stressful life experiences, I've received lots  of bodywork (Reiki, massage, chiropractic, Trager, cranial sacral).

And I've been fortunate to have received great work.  

Premo, however, is in a class by herself.

Her very demeanor reflects the work she has done on herself:

She is calm, gentle, powerful, aware.  

Her personality and the physical space she has created for her work all reflect who she is: And who that is comes through in her work on many different levels.

When I'm not so "gone" from her work that I can't even think (happily so!),

I have noticed how she intuitively calls on an obviously wide range of "techniques" in an improvisational way tailored exactly to each moment, and the client's needs at that moment.  That's my definition of "true intelligence."

She's also warm, funny, and very kind,

which comes through in her touch as well as in all her other communications.  Receiving her work is a meditation as well as a healing, and (brainy/extrovert person that I am)

For me that's an added treat! 
B.F. Fuller, Emeryville, CA