An ardent supporter of academia, I've had the privilege of participating in many academic research studies: 

Brown University 2007: Qualitative Assessment of Spiritual Medicine and Faith Healing Practitioners in the United States;
University of Southern California 2015: Medical Anthropology: Shamanic Reiki;
University of California, Santa Barbara 2015: Universal Life Church Ministers and Reiki Practitioners; and
Harvard University/Center for Reiki Research 2015, 2016: The Therapeutic Benefits of Reiki.
California State University, San Marcos 2016: Complementary and Alternative Medicine in Nursing.

The greatest Teacher is life itself, you only need to listen!

​by Premo

For me, touch is synonymous with life itself. Human touch is a very big subject, rich and complex beyond measure, multidimensional and amazing in its potency and implications. Touch always and only happens in ‘just this moment’… never in the past, nor in the future. Conscious touch can never be a technique – it is always here-now, and no two touches are ever the same. Conscious (and unconscious!) touch flows in and out of all our senses, and in fact, we touch with much more than just our hands and feet. The English expression ‘being touched’ is used very significantly. You may use it without understanding what it means, when we say we were ‘touched’ by a person or experience. Our whole daily life consists of ‘touching and being touched’: our eyes touch what we see and we are touched by what we see; the vibrations of our voice and our breath touch others and we all are touched by the vibrations of sound all around us; food touches and renews our energy; water touches; heat touches, cold touches…. I could go on and on.


My work is intuitive, non-verbal and a meditation itself

Lisa Guyman is a spiritual educator, Certified Chopra Meditation Instructor and Reiki Master who helps her clients and students recognize their personal power and their ability to heal themselves. Also a published author and recording artist, Lisa uses her spiritual knowledge to assist her clients and students in reconnecting with spirit and returning to themselves.

Lisa began her spiritual path at the age of 16 when she realized she wanted to create a healthier lifestyle.  She enrolled in a local Transcendental Meditation course and switched high schools so she could expand her social circle.   She shared her new-found knowledge of meditation with her high school peers and was surprised of the viral response of this information.

 For the last 18 years, I have been deeply immersed in the practice and teaching of bodywork and yoga. This work has taken me around the globe, through the United States, Mexico, Europe, Canada, Asia, and Indonesia.

 I am privileged to be an instructor of Esalen Massage, certified through the world-famous Esalen Institute in Big Sur, California. My work is founded in Esalen's principles, yet it evolves as I integrate other forms of somatic bodywork and movement. 

My work and teaching addresses injury, strain, and holding patterns unique to the individual, utilizing the therapeutic principles of Eastern and Western modalities and love of making healing contact through the hands to create a unique approach in contacting the human form.

"That is the beauty of life, all things come around, we learn, we teach and we heal each other.  Thats the world I want to live in. How about you?"

- Liana Hayes

​​​Welcome to my website!

My name is Premo and i am an intuitive healer, energy- and bodyworker. 

I have taken trainings and education all over the world and feel blessed to have received and are allowed to practice and teach Reiki in the lineage of Usui.

I believe and have experienced,

that the most profound change and healing takes place if one sees things clearly by themselves on a deep level and not just believes what others (teachers, therapists, friends etc) tell them.

I had profound insights during and after a Reiki session,

in a meditation and just by observing my life.

That enables me to live a peaceful, simple and happy life. 

At the age of 18 I started my path to find the purpose of my life.

Therapy lead to meditation, meditation lead to being fully present in the moment,

which is the greatest gift i have received in my life and I feel blessed that I am able to transfer that quality and love through my hands to others. 


I am deeply dedicated to my spiritual and personal development

so that i may be as clear, grounded and present,

a channel through which the Reiki energy can flow freely.

Please call or email me if you would like to know more about

my work or my path, which i am happy to share.

✽ Education ✽ 

certified in Reiki ✽ certified Esalen®massage practitioner ✽ certified in Acupressure ✽ certified Deep bodywork therapist ✽ certified in Cranial Sacral ✽ certified CMT ✽ certified in Holistic massage ✽  

ABMP insured